An Interview with the Most Revd. Metroplitan Kallistos Ware of Diokleia

This interview was conducted at the end of Lambeth Conference in England. This is the first time I have read the words of an Orthodox Bishop so clear on our need to listen and understand where society is going and where the church fits in. His words on women’s ordination and homosexuality are very new words to me from an Orthodox Bishop.

Okay put the cross and the gasoline away! He is not saying that we are going to do this but we need to understand why we don’t! That’s the point understanding.

Read the interview here.


  1. Fr. P: That is the point, we need to understand. ‘God is not just one, Loving Himself, turned inward, the eternal monad -‘ (Mutual love) I don’t think we are meant to be alone. I can’t understand how Love which comes from God, exists, making ones joys and sorrow ours, only to be expressed or accepted by the authority and moral standard understood as church tradition. Was it not Church tradition that men put away their wives so they could become priests. Clearly, their needs to be a mutual self-understanding and that is through dialogue when Love is present. Do we will to love or does God will to love through us? It is all very confusing. Sometimes a two-edged sword. Love=tears?

  2. One of the churches decided to examine love and take a risk. Today I’m seeing things differently due to this dialogue and some of the words of the Most Revd. Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, who is most admired by me./Marie

  3. Interesting. I read him quite clearly to say that it will happen, sooner or later (in Orthodox time: this century or next…) In fact, I’ve heard him hedge on open communion, too…

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