Weekend Round Up

So where have I been you ask? What a weekend this was. It began on Thursday with the 9/11 ceremony and a wake service and then a funeral and mercy meal on Friday. After that much running around for the golf tournament on Saturday.
Saturday was the golf tournament and meal after that. Then office work that I should have done before yesterday and did not do so it was my own fault.
Sunday will bring Liturgy and the annual stewardship presentation during coffee hour. Well it is a little more than coffee hour this week as we end the summer season. After all of that I think I will crash and watch the patriots game at 4pm. GO PATS!

1 Comment

  1. Hi Fr. P.: As we kiss the summer goodbye we recall it was a good one. The only consolation is the football season (Go Pats) and all the lovely leaves and colors of autumn, pumpkins, good little witches and the yard/bake sale. Love the sound of loons, pray for us while on your vacation. We’ll be looking for the Canadian geese flying in formation and going south for a long lonely winter.

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