Still Here

Well I am still here and still suffering with this cold. I hate being sick and since I am alone I still have to do all the house stuff and prepare my own meals. I am not complaining because I like to eat when I want to eat and not when someone wants me to eat but now I am out of food and need to go shopping. Today sounds like a good day for beef stew.

So I have just been hanging around this week and trying to get over this cold. Last night I met with one of my Spiritual Children. I was going to cancel but we have been trying to meet for a month and we finally settled on a date so I thought I should stick to it. I am glad I did. I need to get back in the swing of things.

So I watched the Obama infomercial last night. Good concept, I don’t think anyone has ever done that before I am not sure it changed any minds but you gotta do what you gotta do as they say.

In Massachusetts we have three questions on the ballot. I am thinking of writing something on them over the next few days so look for that as well. I have my show to record today and get off to the radio stations and some reading to do. Tomorrow I am on the air at 7am so that will be fun. We have the principal of the High School coming in for a chat. He is a great guy and pulls no punches so it should be interesting.

Okay gang thanks for reading!

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