Weekend Round Up

I am dong this a little early this week because I am leaving right after liturgy today to head to my parents house. They have been on a cruise for the last 10 days and I am going to open the house and turn on the heat for them. I hear the cruise was nice but there was some kind of bug going around so everyday people were getting sick. Anyway they are on their way home and will arrive back in Quincy sometime after 6pm.

As some of you may know I was on the local radio station on Friday. My Shepherd of Souls program is heard on this station on Sunday mornings at 8:30 but the station manager invited me on to do the morning show with him. It was great fun and it looks like I am going to be invited back each Friday morning. More on this when I find out what is going on. It was an early start and for any of you who know me you know I am really not an early morning person.

After the radio time I went off to the Fire House for lunch with guys. I like to spend time on Fridays with them to see what is going on in their lives and how they are coping with different things. Ministry outside the walls can be difficult and it is not every ones cup of tea but I like it and I look forward to it.

Yesterday (Saturday) was spent doing laundry and getting the bulletin finished and working on the sermon for Sunday. Something I should be doing right now. Not much else went on. The Red Sox lost the second game but there are five more to go and they come home now for two so we shall see what happens. This is an odd time of year when all four Boston teams, five if you count the Revolution, that’s the soccer team we have, are all playing. Very strange to hear the hockey scores at the same time you hear the baseball scores.

So now back to the sermon. I am also uploading the new episode of Shepherd of Souls and other stuff. Multi-tasking this early in the morning.

1 Comment

  1. I like your new mast head – great photo.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. It’s really beautiful outside. We have the doors and windows open for the time being. Don’t know how much longer that will last for, though…..

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