Where have I Been?

This has just been a crazy week. I hope this week is a little less crazy but so far not the case. I am up at 5am to head to the radio station for 7am to do the morning radio show. I am filling in for the regular host and on top of all of that I have a nasty cold. This should be good.

So let’s back up a little. Wednesday night Fr. Greg and I celebrated the Liturgy of St. James in honor of his feast day the next day. This is one of the oldest liturgies that the church has and it is very different from what we Orthodox are used too on Sunday morning. We had about 35 people there, not bad for a week night.

Thursday I continued the Adult Education class here in the Village with a class on what the term preferential option for the poor means to us. I did record this lecture and as soon as I can I will try and post it so you can listen.

Friday morning I was at the radio station at 6:45. I am now a regular on the Friday morning show on WESO 970am in Southbridge. This is a fun little diversion and give me an opportunity to reach an entirely different audience. I kind of like doing drive time radio. Friday night was the annual turkey party here in the Village. Great crowd and a great time was had by all. We need to have more events like this to bring people here. Thanks to all the workers.

Saturday, well Saturday is the day I get the bulletin ready and sermons, laundry, etc. That’s when I started with this cold and I spent most of the day on the sofa watching the idiot box. Saturday night I joined my fellow fire fighters for the annual steak supper at the fire house. Small crowd this year but the food was great. Excellent turnout from St. Mike’s and we all sat together and enjoyed some laughs.

Sunday morning is routine. Up at 5am put the finishing touches on the sermon and get ready for Liturgy. Shepherd of Souls goes on at 8:30 and I like to listen a bit to see how the edit went. The new show is up at www.shpherdofsouls.com so give it a listen if you have a chance.

Well that brings things full circle. I am off in a few minutes to get to the station. I solo today and I am a bit nervous so say a little prayer for me if you get a chance.

1 Comment

  1. Don’t let your nose run off of your face! 🙂

    Seriously – no fun. My wife is fighting off a sinus infection with a second go-round of antibiotics (5 days of a Z-pack didn’t work, so the doc put her on Avelox, which is much stronger and nastier), and she is still miserable.

    Stay sane and safe. Also forgot to mention that your podcasts are awesome. Thank you for those!

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