Good People

Sometimes I feel that people just don’t care anymore. I mean we read all the time about the selfish things that people do. Well my opinion of humanity has changed…

As you may know this area of the world was hit pretty hard a week ago with an ice storm. We still have some 27,000 people that do not have electricity or heat and there is another storm on the way for Friday and another one on Sunday. Such is life in New England.

Well last night I was surfing around Craig’s list, I like to look, actually I am looking for a used laptop computer for all the media stuff I am doing. Well I was surfing through the free section and I came across an ad for a family that has opened their house to anyone who needs a place to shower or a hot meal. A place to check email or charge their cell phone. It brought a tear to my eye and I am getting emotional just typing this right now. These people are angels for sure. I do not know who they are but I sent them a little email thank you.

Here is a link to the ad. Maybe you want to drop them a line and say thank you. That’s all you need to do is say thank you and maybe say a little prayer for these folks. I know I will.


  1. Yes, Fr. Peter, there was room this time at the “inn”! If we all could be so welcoming, what a wonderful world we would have! Thanks for this story, I will try to welcome others into my heart too!

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