Patriarch Daniel: Christmas brings us strength to vanquish life’s trials


Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel urges believers in the Christmas letter to vanquish life’s trials, namely the economic, moral and spiritual crisis with which the society is confronting.

The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Daniel says that God’s birth, which proves, God’s endless love for people, will bring the strength and hope to vanquish life’s trials.

Here follows the letter of Patriarch Daniel:

“Pious and Devout Priests,

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ

The way in which the Holy Evangelists Mathew (1, 18-25; 2, 1-22) and Luke (2, 1-20) write about the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Bethlehem shows how much God values the family. God the Almighty, He who created the sky and the earth descends on earth from the skies into the piousness of an Infant born not in the house of his parents, but during a journey, and not even in a guest house, but in a manger. The Son of God becomes Man, homeless, a foreigner and a traveller, to bring those alienated from Him into the house of the heavenly Father. All the people, through their passing life, are but travellers in this world, seeking peace in God, Who made them for a communion of love with Him.

The Rest of the Story

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