Church Events

Last night we held our Third Annual Ham Party at the church. Okay I am sure you are now asking yourself what on God’s Green Earth is a Ham Party. Well simply put it is a meat raffle. We get like 25 hams and other assorted Easter type baskets and we spin a big wheel and people win stuff. Believe it or not it draws a crowd. We had about 50 people in for a spaghetti and meatball meal before and then Tom A spins the wheel and people start to win.

Paul was whipping people up in a frenzy as the wheel was spun, Nick was manning the bar and playing some tunes in between spins. Sam, Spiro, Paul, Vic, Charlie, & Carol teamed up to sell the tickets. Jim D was in the Kitchen along with his sisters Linda and Jeanette. I hope I have not left anyone out. I almost forgot the other Paul who sat with me at the money table and passed out the tickets. Paul is the parish treasurer and a great guy. It was a great night, lots of fun, and we made some money for the church.

We have a small church with very dedicated people and we rely on these events to help us minster. I look at it this way. We raise some funds for the church, it brings the community together. Not only the Church community but the community at large, and we have loads of fun.

I will say this, and in light of my post this past week I need to say this, when we need to we pull together and work hard for the church. Even if people could not stay for the entire night they came anyway. Maybe they just had some food, or perhaps they stayed for a little while and bought some tickets to win a ham, either way the church people came through again and the event was a big success. The faithful at St. Michael’s never let the church down, when work needs to be done the faithful show up. We have a proud tradition and we are keeping it going.

Thanks to all who supported this event or any of our events it was a busy week.

1 Comment

  1. maybe the catholic church should pick a date and the orthodox church should pick a date then the date should be set on a sunday in between every one wins and everyone loses.linda

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