Where have I been?

Well it has just been crazy around here the last few weeks. Lent is supposed to be a time when we slow down and have more time to pray and contemplate things, ya right!

In a previous post I mentioned that Archbishop Nicolae was here and all the events of that visit. After he left I took a few days off and returned to the family homestead and rested and saw my brothers that I don’t get to see that often anymore.

Back at the church we had all of the activities of Sunday and the rest of the week to include St. Patrick’s day and the radio program and all other media stuff. It has just been a crazy but wonderful week. And to top it all off the weather is getting better! Right now the sun is shining and it looks like it is going to be a great day. I plan to go outside today and rake some leaves and open the doors of the church and let the fresh air blow in. The flowers that the ladies planted around the church are starting to poke their little heads through the soil and will soon be in full bloom, and before we know it Easter will be here.

So that is where I have been. But we did get a Facing East Podcast recorded after being off since December of 2008! So look for that on another post on this site as well as on iTunes.

You may have also read on this site that I am going to the host of the morning program on WESO 970 am here in Southbridge. What a crazy ride this has been as well. I began with a Sunday program, Shepherd of Souls, last August and then a Thursday show a few months ago. Now I am taking over the microphone for the morning show starting on March 30th. What does this mean? Well first and foremost it means getting up at 5:00am everyday and being on the air for two hours each day as well. But it will be fun and I have some great support so it should be fine. I also understand once you get a groove going it become easier, I will let you know.

So off to do laundry and get the day started. I need another cup of coffee!


  1. its amzing the directions we get pulled into,follow one idea and you end up doing more then you ever imagined with your life.good luck with the radio program.linda

  2. Fr. Peter: The funny thing is I just completed a post and in it stated that hardly no mention of Orthodoxy existed in local ads, or news articles, twenty somewhat years ago in this town, even though we have three very-well established churches. Orthodoxy was always known as the “best kept secret”. Somehow that is no longer the case. I know you will be reaching so many more than any ad with your Orthodox programming. We are all praying for your continued success. The guests have been wonderful. I will be tuning in.

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