Show us yer haggis

This is very cute. It comes to me via the Anamchara blog and to them via Clan Buchanan. Here are the words:

Hae the lyrics:“SCOTLAND’S got a dance for you, it’s funky and it’s new,So don yer kilts and fill yer boots, we’re bringing it to you.You can do it on yer own, in pairs or do it in a crowd,But wherever you do it, you gotta do it proud.Show us your haggis, raise your right arm to the sky,Stand on one leg, flip it round and shout ‘och aye.’Saltire for Scotland, and hoik it to the right,And grab yer neebors shoulder, and nessie through the night.”


This wee song is way too fun! It was released on 23rd March 2009 by Alva Academy & its associated primary schools. On 1st April 2009, just over a week later, it reached number one in the Scottish charts. The song was written by D. Clifford & S. Clyde. Enjoy the song and the video.


  1. This video is so funny…. with the ‘difficult English’… what is more I use English as the second language!

    Anyway, this is enjoyable! And this blog as well, has been a blessing for me personally, Father. That’s why I added this blog among my favorite blog list.

    Thanks Father Peter!
    Christ is risen! [Kristus telah bangkit!– in my mother tongue]


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