Another View from Iran

I have to admit I am caught up in all of happenings in Iran. If you follow my tweets or my Facebook page you will know this for sure. But I have also been reading the blogs and today, thanks to Rod Dreher’s blog Crunchy Con he has put me on to an Op-Ed in the New York Times written by Roger Cohen from the streets of Teheran. “A Supreme Leader Loses His Aura as Iranians Flock to the Streets” is a great article and I suggest you give it a read.

1 Comment

  1. Because he is reporting from Teheran, Roger Cohen's article on Iranians flocking to the streets provides a first-hand description of the widespread chaos and bloodshed now prevailing in Iran. Many Iranians have been killed or seriously wounded by the police, as a result of their protesting a rigged presidential election. Whether these ongoing assertive protests will result in Iranian President Almadinejad giving up his dictatorial leadership,with Moussavi taking over as the truly-elected President, remains to be seen.

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