Father’s Day

Today was a great day at church! We had a small but mighty crowd and a nice extended coffee hour after the Liturgy. For the last three years Vasile has been our cantor. He has been here on a Visa from Romania that the church sponsors. He has run into a little snag and he has to return to Romania for a little time. Today at the coffee hour we wished him well and asked him to come back to us very soon.

They also surprised me with a birthday cake. My birthday is not for another week but we will be celebrating Liturgy with our friends at St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church before their annual festival so we will not be having Liturgy at our place on Sunday. I know very confusing.

I continue to follow the events in Iran and will be speaking more about it on the radio show on Monday so tune in 970 am or www.fatherpeterlive.com

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