Band of Brothers

I have watched the HBO mini series Band of Brothers several times, in fact I just watched it over the 4th of July weekend. Today I got an email saying that Staff Sargent Darrell “Shifty” Powers died in June. With all of the hype surrounding the Michael Jackson death and other celebrities why is it that the death of a real hero can pass and no one remembers. Nothing on CNN nothing on FoxNews nothing anywhere. So I looked him up and here is the info on him from wikipedia.

Thanks “Shifty” for serving your country. Thanks to all of the men and women who are serving in our Armed Forced or Merchant Marine. They serve the country honorably and do a difficult job!

Darrell “Shifty” Powers (March 13, 1923–June 17, 2009) was a former U.S. Army NCO during World War II who served with the famed E Co/2/506 of the 101st Airborne Division (the Band of Brothers). Shifty was an original member of Easy Company, training at Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Shifty’s hometown was Clinchco, Virginia, in Dickenson County.

Before the War
Powers was born in Clinchco, Dickenson County, Virginia and volunteered for the paratroopers with his good friend, “Popeye” Wynn. Shifty spent a great deal of time in the outdoors hunting game prior to joining the service. This would later prove useful as many of the skills he obtained helped him as a soldier.

World War II
Powers jumped into Normandy on D-Day, missing his drop zone. He eventually came in contact with Floyd Talbert and the two made their way to Easy Company. He participated in the assault of Carentan and every major battle Easy Company was involved with until the end of the war. He was considered by many to be the best shot in the company.

After the War
Because many men serving in the 101st lacked the minimum points required to return home, a lottery was put in place. Shifty Powers won this lottery after the rest of the company rigged it in his favor by removing their own names, and was set to return stateside. During the trip to the airfield, the vehicle Shifty was in was involved in an accident and Shifty was badly injured. He spent many months recuperating in hospitals overseas while his comrades in arms arrived home long before he did.

Honorably discharged from the Army in the postwar demobilization, he became a machinist for the Clinchfield Coal Corporation.

Darrell “Shifty” Powers was portrayed in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers by Peter Youngblood Hills and appears in all 10 episodes.

He is listed as one of 20 men from Easy Company who contributed to the 2009 book We Who Are Alive and Remain: Untold Stories from the Band of Brothers, published by Penguin/Berkley-Caliber.

“Shifty” Powers died June 17, 2009, of natural causes in Dickenson County, Virginia.

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