
What a glorious day yesterday was! The weather was just amazing and fall is indeed here in New England and I am happy as a clam.

Yesterday was also our Parish Golf Tournament, fondly named after on of our long time parishioners that fell asleep in the Lord a year ago. Sandra, his wife, was present at the meal in the hall after and she was just telling everyone how proud George would be because of all of this. I agree with one exception George IS proud of all that has gone on in his name.

Yesterday was also a great because I got spend time with my three brothers and one of my nephews. Since my ordination and move to the Village I do not get to see my brothers that often. Although we live close, about and hour away, most of the time that they are available is on weekends, and well I work weekends! So we do not get to see each other that often. Sure holidays and what not but not as often as we used too. But yesterday was special and I will treasure yesterday for a long time. Boy did we have fun oh yea we also played a little golf, very little mind you. Good thing this was a best ball tournament or I would still be on the course. I think I am the only priest that does not play golf. I do enjoy it an maybe I will start playing more in the spring.

Well yesterday was a long day but a good day, a fun day. Lots of memories. Thanks to my brothers and nephew for making the effort to come out it was great to hang with them again. Let’s do it again soon!

1 Comment

  1. Fall is a nice time to enjoy the pleasant weather and meet with your relatives that you do not often see.

    In addition to enjoying the beauty of nature, outdoors in fall allows you to breathe refreshing air, which is good for your health.

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