I have Arrived

Well I arrived last night but this is the first chance I have had to blog. What a journey to get here. Ten hours on the road through wind and rain and fog and dark of night. One wrong turn and I managed to arrive without incident.

I have this GPS system, I call her Margaret, and like most women in my life she likes to tell me where to go… LOL Anyway, she had me get off the highway onto a state road, nice road through some towns and what not. Then she had me turn and the road ended. So I got on the highway but I was going in the wrong direction and it was 30 miles before the next exit. Who says there are no open spaces left in the US. So I turned around and went back. Not too bad it did not throw me too far off.

So here we are for the next few days to meet and talk about Orthodox Unity. I will try and post nightly on what is going on or you can follow me on Twitter if that makes life easier. Just click the little box down below.

Off to breakfast!

1 Comment

  1. How lucky you are with so many women in your life telling you where to go and keeping you on the straight path, all except Margaret.

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