The other shocking but not surprising thing is the reaction people had once the accused shooters name was released. There is only one person who knows why he did what he did and we should not jump to conclusions. Okay the guy has a Muslim name but that has nothing to do with it. If it turns out that he did it for religious reasons I will change my tune, and I pray that it does not turn out that way. Yesterday I was having a conversation with a parishioner and she said to me that she wished the shooters name was John Smith, I had to agree. We are still feeling the sting of 9/11 so it is understandable when someone with a Muslim name does something like this we jump to conclusions. But what if his name was John Smith?
We need to hold the Fort Hood community in our prayers, those involved and those who will be involved in making some sense out of all of this mess.
On another note, Twitter and Facebook once again came to the rescue. It has been reported that people were finding out what was going on by Twitter and Facebook. I was watching a local news station from Texas online and they were interviewing a woman and whilst the interview was happening she received a text message from her husband how is presently serving in Iraq. He had seen something on twitter and wanted to know what was going on. So there you have it.
I too hope that people do not jump to their own conclusions, and I hope that this not done for religous reasons also. It is sad this has happened, I do not understand why people do this…
May St. Michael pray for the victims and families.
my father did his basic training at fort hood and my cousin David spent many years in the army and reserve at Fort Hood.they only had good things to say about this base.
I guess you can kind nuts every where you go and a base is no different.Its to bad he didn't just do himself in instead of trying to take innocent victums with him. linda
This is not the first time Ft. Hood was the site of a mass killing. As I recall, something similar happened approximately 10 years ago in Kileen, which is the community that the post borders at the main gate. Similar situation but I don't believe the shooter was military. If I can find the details I'll post them at my blog.
Prayers for the dead and the wounded, as well as their families.
I have to correct myself – it was 18 years ago. Total of 43 shot with 23 killed including the shooter. Truck crashing into a restaurant.
It was pretty horrific.