The Day After

So today is the day after T-Day. I had a great day with family and we had our usual Full contact Monopoly game after the meal. It was the usual fun time.

Came home stuffed like the bird we had polished off and went right to sleep. Slept in as today is a holiday as well. I am not one of those people that goes out shopping at 4am so I got to sleep in.

For the rest of the day I will be hold up reading and watching TV, two of my favorite things to do.

1 Comment

  1. Friday after Thanksgiving — called "Black Friday" because of all the sales and early store openings — is a good day to just hang around the house, and perhaps do some outdoor tasks (eg, raking leaves).

    I remember last year when a clerk at Wall Mart was trampled to death by customers who ran into Wall Mart when it opened, in order to be the first customers to find sale items. Who needs that kind of shopping?

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