Town denies permission for live Nativity scene

I am so sick and tired of the PC police getting in the way. I believe it is the CHRISTMAS season and this church is being denied the right to have an outdoor Nativity because it is too close to town land. TIME FOR THE REVOLUTION!

Email the Town Manager Mr. Wayne Melville or call the members of the board of selectmen. I have provided their names and phone numbers below:

Susan W. Thorne, Chairman 978-526-1682
Mary Hardwick 978-526-4638
Lee B. Spence 978-526-7918
Bryan S. Gubbins 978-526-8956
Thomas P. Kehoe 978-526-4381

Time to take our country back!

MANCHESTER BY-THE-SEA, Mass. — Plans for a local church’s live Nativity scene have been left out in the cold by town leaders.

Every year, the First Parish Church in Manchester-by-the-Sea works to bring Christmas to life. This year, they planned to take that to the next level by creating a live Nativity scene. The church selected people to play Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.

The problem, however, is that the church is located very close to public property. The town denied permission to members of the First Parish Church to go ahead with the scene they wanted to stage on Christmas Eve.

Read the Rest Here


  1. I believe it is heartless — even sacrilegious — for town leaders in Manchester By-The-Sea (MA) to deny the request of the First Parish Church in that town to present a live Nativity scene on church land, adjacent to public property.

    These town officials appear to be so mean-spirited and anti-Christian that one could compare them to Scrooge: "Bah Humbug!"

  2. I have tried several times to send an email to Mr.Melville but I keep getting an error confirmation.Will try again later.linda

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