Christmas Back in North Andover

As a follow up to my post earlier this week it would seem the leadership in the town of North Andover, Massachusetts have gotten the Christmas Spirit back.

Here is the article from the Lawrence Tribune

I guess there was such an outrage that the Town had no other choice but to reverse their previous decision not to allow the Fire Dept to put their 50 year old Merry Christmas sign on the fire house or allow the local Rabbi permission to put a menorah on the Town Common as they have for years. Common sense has won the day.

The big question I have is this. If it was not for this Rabbi going after the Town would we have done anything about this? No one knew about this until he started making noise. We Christians need to be as bold as he is to stand up for what is right.

So the moral of the story is, when you something wrong you need to make your voice heard. We are winning the Revolution!

1 Comment

  1. why do these towns do these things? Do they think no one will know or be outraged.Now the whole country knows about it.How good does it make this town look.I decided yesterday I will go to no craft show or fairs that do not use the word "Christmas" in its title or advertising.
    For example "Winter Festival Fair"or "Holiday show".
    My own personal protest.linda

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