Orthodox in Haiti

Well this came as a surprise to me and shows just how far flung Orthodox parishes are around the world. At the time of this writing there are 5 Orthodox parishes in Haiti under the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. According to one website run by the church there are about 3,000 Orthodox Christians in Haiti lead by two priests Fr. Jean Chenier-Dumais, and Fr. Gregoire Legouté. Both priests survived the earthquake and are setting up a clinic.

The Church communities use rented buildings so they have no church home of their own and the priests travel many miles in a car they share with each other to visit their parishioners. These two priests need all the support they can get. The mission was struggling before and this will only make their situation worse.

ROCOR has an organization called Fund for Assistance that was established long before this happened and they are in full swing to help raise funds. To date they have raised $50,000 and have disbursed $16,000 to Haiti. On the website it states that every penny of donations will go directly to the field. Monies donated to IOCC have almost the same giving power as 92% of all funds go right to the field. Both of these organizations are worthy of your donations.

Please continue to pray for all the people of Haiti and all those who are there working to aid them. If you have not given, or would like to give again, I have included the links to both organizations below.

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Here

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Fund for Assistance Here


  1. Dear Fr Peter: May I suggest that you get ride of the World Vision ad? You praise the FFA and IOCC in your excellent article. They are better choices. World vision will have much more overhead, and the money they have is MUCH more likely to "get lost" because they will be dealing with the government. I do not impugn their honesty, but they are too big to be able to get the funds to the people who really need it without the government getting its cut. I beieve the FFA and IOCC are the only way to go for the Orthodox.

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