The Garden

Okay I know it is getting late in the season but the plants are doing well even though they have not gone in the garden beds yet.

Today I got the first I what I hope to be two garden beds built. The wood, for the most part, was donated reclaimed stuff so in keeping with the green theme that is a good thing. All I need now is some good soil to fill the bed with and we will be in business.

The bed is 16 feet long and 4 feet wide and is 4 feet high so there should be plenty of room for the roots in that good black gold.

I think I will wait for the fall to get the second bed in place and get it filled before winter so it will be ready to go in the fall. Now all I need to do is get the rain barrels hooked up and the compost bin going and like I said, we will be in business.

Here are some snaps of the progress today.

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