2010 Blog Year in Review

I am not a big one for numbers I am more of a quality not quantity guy but I thought I would do a little review of the blog this year.

According to Google Analytics the following are the stats for the blog:

29, 695 Visits
31, 368 Page Views
1,111 Posts

Here are the top five posts for 2010

Priest Dismissed for Wearing Cassock!
November 3, 2010
302 Visits

Roman Catholic and Orthodox Differences on Original Sin
February 9, 2010
300 Visits

Open Letter to Muslims
September 10, 2010
298 Visits

St. Columba of Iona Orthodox Monastery
November 4, 2010
288 Visits

Burning the Quran
September 7, 2010
284 Visits

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