Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Johnstown Cape Breton
On the Roman Catholic calendar today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  I have kind of a weird connection to this feast day.

My mother’s family hails from Johnstown Cape Breton Canada.  The Roman Catholic Church that sits on the hill in the center of the town is the Church of the Sacred Heart.  Located behind the Church is a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe.  A priest from the parish was serving as a chaplain to the Royal Canadian Navy and went to Mexico.  Whilst there he was impressed by the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and brought a Mosaic of Our Lady back to Johnstown.  It has been installed in a shrine located on the hill behind the church.

Its an interesting world.  A Gaelic parish located on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia Canada has a shrine to a Mexican saint.  Well, I find that interesting anyway.

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