Blessing at Childbirth

One of the blessings a priest has in his ministry is the welcoming of new life into the world.  It is not something that I have the opportunity to do all that often so it is a very special occasions when I am asked to pray the Prayers at Childbirth.  There is a progression of these prayers that start with the prayers after childbirth.  Following that would be the naming prayers on the 8th day.  The baptism usually follows and of course in the days gone by due to many reasons, the mother was not always present at the baptism.  Following those prayers would be the Churching of women prayers some days latter.

I had the honor last summer of praying the prayers at the naming of the child, usually prayed on the 8th day after the birth, and like that time this blessing was done for the family of a fellow priest.

My friend and fellow Podcaster Fr. Greg and Prez Eleni gave birth to their son Ambrose last week.  Fr. Greg called and asked if I would be willing to come and read the prayers and of course I jumped at the chance.  It was an honor to be part of this families special time and to pray for them and for their health.

The prayers are simple and to the point.  The first asks for healing for the mother and that she be restored to health as soon as possible.  We pray that she is covered by the “shelter of your wings from this day until her last breath.”  The second prayer is more general and again is a prayer for healing and protection.

These prayers are not used all that often any longer and that is something that we should try to change.  I hope I get asked to participate in services such as this in the future.

O Master, Lord Almighty, who heal every illness and every infirmity, heal now this your servant (N) who has today given birth, and raise her up from the bed on which she lies. For according to the words of the Prophet David, we were conceived in iniquity and in sin we were brought forth. Guard her and the child that she has borne; cover he with the shelter of your wings from this day until her last breath; through the intercession of the all-pure Theotokos and of all the saints; for you are blessed to the ages of ages.  Amen.

O Lord, our God, who freely chose to come down from heaven and to be born from the holy Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary for the salvation of us sinners, who know the frailty of human nature: Bless your servant (N) who has this day given birth. For you have said, O Lord, “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth and rule over it.” Therefore we, your servants, pray and cry out to the holy name of your kingdom: Look down from heaven and bless your servant (N) and all her household and all here present; for you are a good and merciful God who love mankind. Amen.


  1. Oh there must be one for labor. You should start attending births. Not nearly enough praying over women in labor. I’m just sayin’…

  2. the 8th day naming started out has a Jewish is believed that the name you give a child is so important that it can not be rushed into,the name as to fit the baby,if the person get older and dislikes his/her name they may change it.
    Women were not allowed into the temple until they had stopped bleeding after child birth,because blood in the Jewish faith is considered unpure and as such they must bath and purify their bodies before being allowed into the temple,which is usually about 8 weeks.

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