Advent is the time of preparation not just for the family gatherings at Christmas but spiritual preparation for the coming of the Savior of the world Jesus Christ. Taking time to prepare ourselves spiritually is vitally important and is often the most overlooked practice of the Advent Season. I want to help with that.
I recently came across a MEME on Facebook with the title “A New Christmas tradition.” This tradition is a journey through the Gospel of Luke during the 24 days leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. Beginning on December 1st, read one chapter from the Gospel of Luke, and continue for the next 24 days which will bring you to Christmas Eve. In reading these chapters, when you wake on Christmas morning, you will understand Who and Why we celebrate.
I mentioned that I wanted to help. If you
send me an email, I will add you to my list of people that I will be posting a chapter a day from the Gospel of Luke starting on December 1st. This daily email will make the process of the journey that much easier to participate in since it will be there in your mailbox each morning. I promise I won’t spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Please join me on this Advent Scripture Journey and let us reclaim Advent as a time of Spiritual Preparation.