Virginia Day 3

Back from a full day at the Tech. Spent most of the day at the Newman center just talking to the students as they came in. I call this tail gate ministry and all we do is listen try to answer their questions. I did a radio interview for the Come Receive the Light program that should hit the Internet on Saturday if you want to listen.
Tonight we had diner with the students at one of their dining halls. I am glad I am not a student now or I would be bigger than I am now. Anyway great time and then back to the Newman Center for Vespers. I have to say again that they have been great at the Newman and deserve much praise and thanks from us for providing us a place to meet and worship it has been great.
Looks like we will be leaving tomorrow (Thursday) morning and heading back to the parish. It is going to take me a few days to process my feeling from this. I keep remembering the statement that I saw on campus, “32 are gone because one was lost” That will be my sermon on Sunday.
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