Virginia Day 2 Part 2

Just back from a meeting with the students at the Tech. As I mentioned in the previous post, Bishop Thomas was there and we all went to the Memorial for the Trisagion service. It was beautiful as people came up and stood with us as we prayed for the dead and placed a cross among the other flowers there. We returned to a meeting room where we asked the students to describe their feelings. Most of them knew someone who was either killed or injured and the emotions are still raw. Confidentiality does not allow me to describe anything that they said but it was difficult to listen to and I am glad I am here.
We will meet one on one tomorrow and the rest of the week and tomorrow night we are having diner with them in one of the dining halls and then to the Newman center for vespers and more one on one. Please continue to pray. Below is a photo of the memorial. Fr. Kevin from OCF is taking pictures, I hope the one of Bishop Thomas in a “Hokie” hat comes out if it does I will post it here.

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