September 11th

Today is the sixth anniversary of that terrible day for our country and the world. I remember exactly where I was when I got the news. First year of seminary and just leaving a class at Boston College. I drove back to the seminary in disbelief that this was happening. Ran upstairs in time to see one of the towers come down.
Putting politics aside, let us remember those who are trying to keep the peace. Pray for the military and the leaders. Pray for the President as he makes decisions. Right or wrong he is our leader and he needs our support and prayers. Pray for all emergency workers, police, fire, emt’s and such. They keep us safe on a daily basis and risk their lives for us.
Today I will be attending three remembrance services. One will be held at the local high school this morning followed by another one at town hall. Tonight I am going to Boston for the ceremony at the State House and the unavailing of the Fire fighter’s Memorial now with two new names on it. Pray that the rain holds off as this event will be held outside.
My prayers are with the families and friends of all who lost someone six years ago and with our country and with the world.
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!”

1 Comment

  1. let us also remember all our fallen soldier from our present war we are in.this whole 9/11 had a ripple effect for many familes. ann

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