Busy Day

Yesterday morning I was about to write a post about how busy the day was going to be when the door bell rang at 8:15am and the day began. We had a contractor come by to start the process of assessing the needs of the church heating system. I hope this will not be a long process as I am sure one of these days it will get cold here but for now we are all set.
Our problem is we have an old building with little or no insulation and a dome on the roof that is maybe two stories high. As well all remember from science class, heat rises, so I bet if I could get seats up in the dome it would be nice and warm up there. So we have the people who know what they are doing come and give us some help. So far things have been great. Watch for more information on that.
On Friday’s I usually head off to the Fire House for some lunch. I did my usual with a brief stop at town hall to pick up a permit for the function we have here at the church tonight. I spent a few hours with the guys talking about work place stress and then I returned back to the office to clean off my desk. I don’t know why I say that as it never gets cleaned off. I seem to just the pile from one side of the desk to the other, but it makes me feel like I am doing something.
Got to bed early as today promises to be busy and as is the usual case at 11:30pm we caught a three alarm fire. So I was off again. Back in bed by 2am but could not get to sleep so I read for a little bit then dozed off.
Today I am off to a talk in Tiverton, Rhode Island and some laundry. Must produce the bulletin for tomorrow’s Liturgy and prepare for that. Tomorrow is National Fallen Fire Fighters Sunday and the chaplain from the town and I are hosting our two departments here for Liturgy and some grub after. Please remember your Fire Fighter’s and other Public Safety folks tomorrow and everyday.
Oh by the way, the Red Sox lead the series 2-0 over the Angels. They are off to the West Coast now to finish the job. The Tribe in Cleveland is doing their best to get rid of the Yankees for us so all looks well. I do not follow the other side but it sounds like the Rockies are burning up the field.
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