Snow on the way YES

Well we are getting ready for the first big snow storm of the year. There is a big storm working it’s way across the US. I understand it did some damage in the Midwest and three people died. Let us remember them in our prayers today.
So today is kind of a weird day. Our little church will be closed today as we all go across the street to St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church to celebrate their feast day with them. So I get the day off. I will concelebrate with Fr. John and I believe His Grace Bishop Nikon will be there as well. It is always nice to just be able to celebrate the Liturgy and now worry about anything. It really allows you to get into the moment and really pray. Wish we did it more.
After Liturgy they will have a banquet and then it is home to stay warm and hope the fire department does not get busy or I will have to go out in the nasty weather. So keep those prayers coming.
Have a blessed Sunday and try and stay dry and warm!
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