Girls Gone Wild

I actually do not know where to begin with this post. I am as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. Why is it that we have to slut up our little girls to sell stuff. Miley Cyrus, daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus and star of the Disney program Hannah Montana has posed topless for Vanity Fair Magazine. Keep in mind SHE IS ONLY 15 YEARS OLD! Why would any father allow their daughter to be exposed and exploited this way? This is another example of where our country is headed. I do not understand why parents let their little girls wear makeup, nail polish, low cut shirts, and those shorts with words on their bottoms. I guess we want to draw attention to them! Parents who allow their children to dress this way ought to have their children taken from them as unfit parents! We are using sex to sell and we wonder why child rape and porn is on the rise, who needs the internet to see it just watch the Disney Channel or go to your local middle school. Disney should take this show off the air right away and people should not attend her concerts or buy her CD’s. She is following in the footsteps of that other Disney Channel great roll model Jamie Lyn Spears, sister of another Disney Channel Alum Britany Spears. It seems that Spears the younger, star of the show Zoey 101 is in the family way, AND SHE IS ONLY 16!

Last week some 400 children were removed from the compound of a sect of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints in Texas due to child abuse. Perhaps the government should raid the studios of the Disney Channel! Now we find out that more than half of these children are either pregnant or have been pregnant. What are we doing to our children!

Parents need to wake up and raise their children the way they should be raised. Saturday in a town close to the Village a woman left her three children one who is 3 years old and twins that are 2 months old alone in her apartment with the stove on and started a fire! So we find out that this upstanding citizen and mother of the year has a 10 year old child living with the grandmother in Florida and she has been having a 4 year relationship with a married man. So at the court hearing her lawyer said, wait for it, she is depressed! PLEASE! Sounds like she needs another hobby.

People our society is going to HELL and we need to take it back. We seem to be more concerned about getting everything we can then raising our children the way they should be raised. This Billy Ray Clown is just another example of where we are heading. They say the photos are tasteful and artistic. It all boils down to this, she is 15 and naked that is not art that Child Pornography and they should go to jail for it!

I was going to post a link to the pictures but I do not want to be part of spreading this filth!


  1. although i do not subscribe to vanity fair nor do i buy their magazine. i know one thing i plan on not only emailing vanity mag. with my opinion of disgust i also plan on sending them a hand written letter.
    i think every one who reads this should do the same.also if you do not want to,give up you subscription you should at least send this perticular magazine back to them with a letter saying why you are returning it.anne

  2. Preftu:

    Your comments regarding this poor girl are right on. She has been portayed by Disney and themedia as a role model for our young children.It is my understanding that not only were her parents at that photo shoot but so were all her publicity and legal representatives all thought these photos to be good for her career. How sick are these people as well allowing this to happen to her does not one of them have a shred of decency or the stones to tell the photographer that they crossed the line.
    Anne you have a good idea about returning that magazine however a more powerful message is to send letters to their sponsors voicing your disapproval of the article and that you will hold them responsible. I plan on doing this today. It will probably do little good but we must start somewhere to protect our most precious resource that God us that being our children and grandchildren. – John.

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