
For some reason I just could not motivate myself yesterday. It was raining in the morning and after I did some reading and office work I ended up in front of the tube watching the West Wing on DVD. I have seen all of the episodes before but I do like the show so when I need to just veg I plop myself down and tune in. I did go out and walk the dog for about a half hour so that was nice. I guess it ended up being a rather nice day, a little cool but nice after all was said and done. So now I am a day behind all that needs to be done for the weekend. Since the weather looks nice for the weekend I am going to try and get all things done today so I can head to the lake tomorrow and spend the day there working and maybe get some writing done. I am working on two book reviews but I have to finish the books first, that is always a good thing to do by the way… So off to begin the day.


  1. Hope you’re taking the puppy along, too…
    Praying for you for a productive day!
    This is going to be our first day real sunshine in bout 2 weeks here!

  2. Its amazing what sun does for the soul. Light is a factor for me also. I didn’t plop down yesterday but did laundry and housework. Today gardening, cleaning the garage and hopefully taking in the sun while reading a book. Wish I could be by the lake, perhaps another day. Have fun!

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