Bar Harbor, Maine

If you follow me on twitter, and if you don’t why not? You know that I arrived in Bar Harbor yesterday about 5pm and settled in to my hotel for the night. It was a great drive, I took my time keeping it at about 60 mph to save on gas and it took me about 5 and half hours to get here. In a few moments I leave to catch the ferry to Nova Scotia and the next leg of the journey begins. So thanks for the prayers so far and keep them coming for a few more hours.
I will be staying at Kings College in Halifax and not sure how good the internet connection will be so blogging might be light for the next few days but if all is well then I will blog about the conference and other such things. I will also try and post some snaps and I have a podcast on the way as well.

1 Comment

  1. Fine day here after so much rain. Hope your journey is a safe one. We will keep you in our prayers. Looking forward to hearing your podcast. Hope you don’t get too much sun.

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