Halifax Day 1

So the ferry ride was a little bumpier than I expected but I did not get sick so that is a good thing. I made it to Halifax from Yarmouth about a four hour drive. Nice roads no problems getting here the new GPS is great. I am staying in a dorm room at King’s College in Halifax and stealing wireless from somewhere. Supposedly the dorm has high speed but I cannot get it to work so here I am stealing it. Nice free is good.

The conference should be good. We had a wonderful Liturgy at an Anglican Church of Canada parish here in Halifax. Wonderful singing and the preaching was great. I thought it was closer to the college than it really was so I walked it. Nice night for a walk but it was like 45 minutes each way so I am bushed.

We had the first presentation tonight and to be quite honest I am not sure what he was talking about I am so tired. So it is off to do a little reading and then some sleep. More tomorrow if I can get a signal.

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