Cape Breton

Well I made it here in record time and the weather and the drive was not bad. I have a book on tape that I am listening too and it helps to pass the time.

I made a stop in Antigonish to try and find the grave of my great-grand mother and I was able to find it. I never knew here and have only seen a few snaps of her but it was a very emotional thing for me to see the grave stone. She is buried with her daughter and her son who was a priest here in Antigonish for years.

Saturday I plan to go out and discover more of my roots. My mothers family comes from this area of the world, mt Grand Father came from Halifax to Massachusetts many, many years ago. I had time to meet a cousin while in Halifax it was great to make the connection. He is my third cousin, if you can figure such things out.

So more tomorrow. I wish I could post some snaps but the camera I have only has a disk in it so I will have to wait until I return to the Village to make the transfer. I am not the best photographer in the world but I do the best I can.

1 Comment

  1. isn’t it great to be able to see the head stone of a family member it makes you feel like these people were truly alive and real not just a name on a piece of paper.anne

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