Visiting Family

Today was a very interesting day. I started out this morning heading towards Iona to visit the Highland Village Museum. Very nice place lots of history and it give you an appreciation for how difficult things must have been for the people when they first came here.

After leaving Iona I set off on what I am calling the dead relatives tour. I got on highway 4 and drove first through Big Pond then to Johnstown where my Great Grand Father is buried. I was unable to find his grave but the church is pretty. I said some prayers for my relatives and as I was leaving the church caretaker started to talk to me. He asked who I was and I told him I was the Great Grandson of Daniel Johnston and he said oh you want to go down the street about a mile and half and see Isabelle she will tell you all about the family. So I drove down the street and sure nuff there she was cutting the grass just like he said. So I introduced myself and she gave me a big hug and invited me in and we talked for about an hour. Turns out we are cousins! Amazing!

So I left her and went off exploring more and found more dead relatives. It was a good day and I took many pictures. As I mentioned in a previous post not way to upload them until I get home so watch for them. Okay going to settle in here and watch some tube and rest for tomorrow. Bog drive around the Cabot Trail in the morning.

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