Lack of Blogging

One of my regular readers remarked yesterday that she missed my blog posts. It’s not that I have nothing to say it’s just that things have been very crazy around here this week. Work continued on the windows and finished yesterday, thanks be to God. An work on the festival was in full swing yesterday. The big day is on the morrow so if you are in the area stop on by. If you do, and I don’t already know you, say hey and let me know you read the blog. I will be the one running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I hope to take some snaps tomorrow and post them this week. I am also going to try and sneak away for a few days this week and go camping but the weather does not look good so I might just hide out here and get caught up on all that I have been neglecting for the last week.

Here is a picture of what goes on to get ready for the festival.

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