Autumn Book Club

I am going to be participating in an Autumn Book club and a multi blog discussion about the book. I would encourage you to participate but time is running short.

The Book is: Olivier Clement’s Roots of Christian Mysticism and can be purchased from

Huw has posted a schedule of readings on his blog. If you are going to participate please let me know in the comment section.


  1. I read this book around 10 years ago, it was my first exposure to any of the early church fathers. I would love to participate, but am not chrismated or anything. I know I still have the book for I refer to it frequently.

  2. Fr. P.: It would be helpful if you could name a few of the books that will be offered in the “Autumn Book Club” as I love to read. This book does not turn me on, sorry.

  3. Yes, John – come along for the read! You don’t need to be Chrismated or even interested in Orthodoxy: We’ve got Episccopalians (like me) and Orthodox (Fr Peter), both clergy and lay. We’ve Got some I don’t know about.

    Anon: We’re doing that book this Autumn. It’s been almost 10 years since I read it in a group and I wanted to again.

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