Blogging Parishioners

Well it would seem I have created a monster. I have been blogging for about 2 years and now I have been joined by two of my parishioners. This is great! Please welcome:

Laura – Kiss the Boo Boo

Linda – Convert

To the blogospher! These are two of the hardest working women I have in my church. I am not sure where we would be with out these two. Put them in your feed and read their writings. They write from a perspective of wife and mother and talk about what is going on in their lives. And on occasion they mention me, so that is a bonus.

Welcome ladies and keep up the good work.

1 Comment

  1. Fr. P: Linda’s should have read, convent, no, just kidding. Watch out for her! While, I just like to have fun. If it keeps you reading my post, I’ll tell all. Just kidding!!! Just leave comments, Nice Ones, only.Please?, Pretty Please?

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