Economic Crisis

Well it would seem that the crisis has reached far from our boarders. If anyone still is in need of convincing that we are part of a global economy just look toward Iceland. Today the Government of Iceland has Nationalised some of their banks to protect them from going under. Iceland!

On the upside gas prices have fallen again and there was a rumor that gas could be had for $3.06 per gallon so this is good new but how long will it last. Oil is also coming down bad news for the church we locked in at $3.65 per gallon and I hear it is down to something like $3.40 per gallon oh well that is the chance we take I guess. So we just grin and bear it and hope that all will be well.

Today I awoke to 35f temps outside. Thanks to Laura and John who came by last night to wrap the tender plants in front of the rectory to keep them from freezing. I never think of those things so I am glad someone is. So it looks like the cold weather is here. I don’t mind telling you I am glad. I like summer but I cannot take the humidity. It just takes all my strength away.

Today I am off to interview a priest who is on his way into the Orthodox Church with his entire congregation. They are becoming part of the Western Rite of the Antiochian Archdiocese. Fr. Ken and his congregation have been working for more than a year to become Orthodox. I will have the honor of helping to hear confessions next week prior to the Chrismation. I will also attend their ordinations. Big day! Listen to Shepherd of Souls this weekend for the interview. It might end up in two parts depending on how long winded we both get.

So for now stay warm!


  1. Fr. P.: It will be a long wait until this week-end to hear this interview. And, thank you God for sending us such wonderful priests to shepherd us. I have personally met Fr. Ken and his lovely wife. His son is a future leader, a chip off the old block. We are all excited and can’t wait to join in welcoming them in.

  2. Interesting. From the Charismatic Episcopal Church. Gadzooks.

    And Glory to God.

    I hope they know what they’re getting themselves into!

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