Weekend Round Up

For a small parish we are very busy!

This weekend saw our Annual Yard Sale and Harvest Bake Sale. The ladies of the parish were very busy and as usual they did an amazing job. For a small group of people they never cease to amaze me of what they are able to pull off. For my part all I did was show up and talk with people and eat some food. The life of a priest is difficult but I embrace the difficulty!

If you follow me on twitter you have heard me speak of the Lake House. Well the Lake House is a trailer that I purchased a few years back as my retreat or monastery if you will. My plan was to spend my days off there in prayer and meditation. Well it never really seemed to work out that way so I sold it and Saturday I had to clean all the stuff out of it. It was sad to see it go but I needed to make a break. It was getting expensive to keep it on the site I had it on so I had to say goodbye. Goodbye is never easy but it had to be done.

Sunday was the first day that Shepherd of Souls was syndicated. Although I have no idea how many people listen on the three radio stations it is on I feel that this ministry is important to reach people. Liturgy went well and I have posted my homily from the day. After Church coffee hour. This has become a very important ministry here at the church. In days gone by everyone lived within walking distance of the church. Well that is no longer the case so coffee hour is the time for people to check in with each other and see how things are going. It also gives me time to talk with the parishioners and see what is up in their life. After that was done I had to go out to the lake to meet the guy who bought the lake house. Then back to the rectory for some R&R.; I made a Highland Hot Pot for supper and I will post the recipe latter on. I have made this before and it was good. Very good on a cold day. It is soup and stew season and I love it. Time to cook with root veggies again.

This week we begin a lecture series on what the church teaches on certain social issues of the day in advance of the presidential election next month. I plan to record the sessions and post them but we shall see how that goes. I am looking forward to this class but it means more work for me. That’s okay I enjoy it. I am still part of the book club although I only did one past from the reading assignment. I will get better I hope.

The rest of the week is filled with meeting and podcasting and interviewing people for up coming episodes. For now it’s time to pray and read a little.

1 Comment

  1. thank goodness you only have to work on sundays. i guess pulling two days, one for the yard sale sat. the sunday must have been tough on you rest up and look out the next sunday is just in behind you.lol..Anne

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