March for Life

UPDATE: I am off to the March so blogging might be light until I return on Friday.

Tonight a group of us from the area will be traveling by bus to Washington, DC for the Annual March for life. It is interesting that this March should come right after we swear in the new President. I hope many people make the journey to DC to make our voices heard.

If you are going look for me. This will be my first trip for the March and I understand the the groups March by denomination so I will be with the Orthodox folks. If you cannot make it please pray for those who will be there. Many churches are hosting vigils for the March so check around your area and see if there is one going on near you and consider going for an hour or so and pray for us, and pray for those who have no voice.


  1. ewtn will be hosting shows on its march for life tomorrow at 11am(est),so if any one is interested about this march they can see it on this network,they will also be airing highlights from the walk for life in San Fransico that will also be happening tomorrow. stay warm. linda

  2. Father Peter – I wish you well on this journey, it is a great cause. I do not care what people say…a life is a life the moment it is concieved. My first pregancy I had an ultrasound when I was 6 weeks along I saw the heart beating and the kidneys…How can one say that is not life! A fetus can be saved if born at 20 weeks gestation…how can one say that is not life!

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