Medical Board Revokes License of Abortion Practitioner in Florida Born Alive Case

Tampa, FL ( — The Florida Board of Medicine has revoked the license of an abortion practitioner who allegedly acted negligently in a shocking botched abortion case. The July 2006 incident involves baby Shanice Denise Osbourne and abortion facility staff hid her body from officials after a botched abortion.

The medical board held a hearing Friday in the case and found abortion practitioner Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique guilty of medical malpractice.

The panel also found him guilty of wrongly delegating a medical responsibility meant for physicians to unlicensed personnel.

Renelique’s attorney, Joseph Harrison, told AP before the hearing that he thinks the allegations are “misguided and incomplete” but did not provide more information to back his claims. He did not provide any comments following the board’s decision.

According to witnesses, a young woman went to the GYN Diagnostic Center abortion facility in Hialeah, outside Miami, for an abortion. Sycloria Williams, 18, paid $1,200 for the abortion
Police say the 18-year-old had an abortion and returned the next day complaining of severe stomach pains.

The Rest of the Story


  1. any doctor or nurse who preforms an action that they have no expertiece in has comitted malpractice and should lose their licensce.good for florida many states would not have taken this action they probably would just formaly reprimanded him and not allowed him to practice in a hospital.

  2. This is horrible. I am sorry Father but I hope these people get what they deserve. I am a true believer in what goes around comes around…this so called Doctor should be put away for life, and the Mother of this child…she needs help while she sits behind bars. At twentythree weeks pregnant and she is killing her child.

    A fetus at 20 weeks can live outside the mothers womb….you can feel a fetus movements at 14 weeks of pregnancy…..a heartbeat can be seen at 6 weeks gestation.

    The moment of conception life begins!

    When will these killings stop? If a woman is in an unwanted pregnancy there are other options…adoption. There are so many woman that can’t have children…Abortion is not the answer.

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