Easter Week

Well blogging has been light all week as I try to recover from Holy Week. It was a great week here at St. Michael’s and I think the week after Holy week is busier than Holy Week mostly because of all of the things we let go that week.

The weather on Sunday was great and I broke with my usual tradition and went to Bourne, Massachusetts for a concert put on by the Scottish Association that I belong to. It was nice but a long drive down (2 hours) and a long drive back (2 hours) made for a long day. I was back about 8:30 and promptly fell asleep as 4:30 comes early.

The radio show continues to go along well I think and we have some plans for the future and will be looking to take the show on the road. We have one date already, Saturday, June 6th is Southbridge Fest here in the Village and I will be broadcasting from the Town Common along with several others on that day. I will post more information as that date gets closer. We are also looking at broadcasting from the Brimfield Flee Market coming up in May. This is one of the largest events in Central Massachusetts and draws about 20,000 people over the three days of the event. It is also done in July and September. We will see how the first one goes and then decide if we want to do it all over again. But the show goes well and I continue to learn. If you have not tuned in and you live in the Southbridge area I am on Monday-Friday from 7-9am on WESO 970 am but you can also listen at www.fatherpeterlive.com

On Thursday night we hosted Dave Ramsey and his Town Hall for Hope. This was a historic event as it was the largest Internet simulcast ever with more than 1 million people watching at some 5,000 host sites around the country. Dave Ramsey is a Christian finance guy that has a wonderful radio and TV program and his entire mission is to get us out of debt with very simple advice. The theme of the Town Hall was hope and the hope we need to have in America to get the economy moving. The negativity needs to stop, we need to stop blaming people, and we just need to get moving. “We will be the healing agents of change” he said during the broadcast. I was inspired by this and plan to do more reading and teaching on this so watch this site for more.

Friday the weather was just amazing! This weekend promises to be even better. I spent some time outside getting my new screen house set up. Maybe a little too early but I wanted to get it set up and arranged so I know how it was going to look.

Today I dash off to family in New Hampshire for a little meeting about the New Hampshire Highland Games and our participation this year so that will be fun to see the folks. Long drive but it will be fun. Then back here to get to work for tomorrow. I hope to get some outside work done as well latter in the afternoon and also tomorrow after liturgy.

That’s all for now!

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