Rochester, New York

Day 2 here in Rochester has begun. Well I have had coffee anyway and I am up and at em that’s about all I can say.

Yesterday was a long day with the drive out here from the Village but once we got here things were in full swing. There are about 50 of us from all over the Eastern Deanery of the Romanian Archdiocese and the focus of yesterday’s events was Unity of the Orthodox in America. More specifically Unity among the Romanian Orthodox in America. We talked for a long time about things that have been put in place and things that will be coming in the future. A very interesting and prayerful conversation. I am looking forward to the future.

After the Unction service the priests met with the Archbishop to talk about some issues in the deanery and the conversation went to the concept of Economia. Economia is the pastoral practice of doing things for pastor sake. Like letting someone sit during confession even though the typicon says they should stand. More about that in another post. But it was a great albeit long discussion.

Today the focus will be on Stewardship and the more mundane rules and regulations and such. We will also have a presentation on St. Basil the Great as we are celebrating the year of St. Basil. After the that, the long journey home begins. Please continue to pray for all of us who are gathered here engaged in God’s work and please pray for a safe journey home.

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