School has ban on holiday items at holiday gift shop

I came across this story on Facebook and thought I would share it with all my readers. It seems some dope who calls herself an educator has banned holiday items from the holiday gift shop at the school. No Santa, candy canes etc. This is just the kind of crap that we need to put a stop too. I would like to see them try this with Jewish or Muslim holidays the ACLU would be on them like flies on …

So here is the Principal’s email address Dr. Jane Gilmmore. Send here a not and let her know how you feel about policy. We need to stand up and let our voice be heard or we will be subject to this kind of nonsense forever. Christianity is under attack in this country and we need to fight back!

Here is the School’s Website

Superintendant – Dr. Donald Yeoman

Chelmsford School Committee

Angelo J. Taranto
Evelyn S. Thoren
Mr. Nicholas DeSilvio
Kevin E. Porter
Katherine Duffett

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