Back on the Train

So my journey continues. I boarded the train about a half hour ago in Chicago for the trip home. This time it will take me via Washington, DC so I will be going most of the way along the same route coming out but will end up going through Pennsylvania and on into Washington.

The meetings in DC were very productive. The staff of OCF does a great job preparing all of us for the meetings so we know what is coming up. We heard a series of reports from different departments and it is nice to see and hear what is going on on the college campuses all over the US.

Back to the train. This leg is called the Capitol Limited and the cars are double deckers.They have to use single deckers from NYC to Chicago because of the low tunnels and what not along the route. I am on the bottom of the sleeper car in a room, if you can believe it, is smaller than the one I had coming out. Virtually it is the same room but this one does not have a toilet in the room it is located down the hall.

So I have some reading to do and I have to work on my sermon for Sunday. I was going to do that one the way down but did not get to it.

Stay tuned for more updates.

UPDATE: 1:25pm ~ I have arrived in Washington, DC and I am now ensconced in the lounge. As part of the ticket I get access to the VIP Lounge, very nice, free drinks and snacks in here. I am going to try and get some food before my next train leaves at 3:25.

This leg of the trip was much more enjoyable. I think the train ride was smoother is that makes any sense. I slept like a rock which is better then I did on the way out. So most of this trip was in the dark and I was asleep so it went by very fast.

I had breakfast with a couple who were coming from the West Coast and they were raving about the trip. I think I would like to make that trip maybe next year. At this board meeting we set the dates for our next one. That meeting will be in October and will be in Jacksonville, Florida so it looks like I will be making that trip by train as well. I will also be returning to Chicago in July by train so look for more of these entries as I travel around.

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