Town Election, Birthday, and off to Chicago

Yesterday was the Annual Town Election in Southbridge. I was not surprised to see the low turnout, about 1,700 out of a population of some 17,000. I guess people either just don’t care anymore or they were getting their hair done, not sure why people don’t vote anymore. We have some big issues in this Town, and small issues that people would like to make big, and people don’t turn out. Oh well. Congrats to those who ran and won and congrats to those who ran. You put yourself out there and you need to be thanked for your desire to serve the Town. Although you did not win I hope you continue to make your voices heard.

Yesterday was the feast of my Nativity (my birthday) and I was overwhelmed by all the wishes and prayers I received on Facebook. It is truly a great community and I wish to thank everyone for their wishes and prayers. I would also like to thank everyone for prayers for my Mother. She has had a little health issue this week but she is on the mend and should be home from Hospital today. Actually she is on the phone with my Dad right now.

Speaking of today, I am off to Chicago on the train today to attend the Congress of the Romanian Archdiocese. In the Orthodox Church this is the legislative branch if you will of the church. It is made up of the priest and two lay delegates from each church in the Archdiocese. We used to meet yearly but now we meet every other year. We have a series of presentations and will vote on the budget and various other things. I believe we have wireless so I will try and live blog, because I am sure you all will be on the edge of your seats waiting for news. I will also live blog my train journey as I did the last time.

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