Mystery Solved

On Holy Thursday in the Orthodox Church, the priest consecrates a second Lamb (consecrated bread mixed with some wine) that is put into the Tabernacle and used ...

This Week

I am not sure where this week went.  If anyone knows where it has gone please let me know. The week started with great promise but like most things the whe...

Community Meal

Last night we held our monthly Community Meal here at the Church.  Each month we offer a meal to people in the Community from all walks of life.  We h...


In yesterday’s post I wrote about why we do what we do during this time of year. Another important aspect of Christmas Lent is Almsgiving. This is not jus...

Christian Discrimination

First let me say that this is in no way directed at all Evangelical Protestants out there that may read this post. Just at a select group of narrow minded ones....

The Invisible Priest

A comment reported on the Portland, Maine, TV station, Channel 6: “We could take a cue from Orthodoxy, whose priests stand with their backs to their congr...

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