Sunday Round Up

I was up earlier than usual today as there is much to prepare for Liturgy. Well not actually Liturgy but after. Today we have our General Assembly to vote on some spending issues here at the Church. We need to replace all of the windows to make the church more energy efficient. The ones that are there now are original and leak both air and water. It is an expensive proposition but the pay off should be better in the long run. I don’t see a problem of it passing just getting enough people there to have the meeting. We need 25% of the membership to be present, that’s 17.5 people. I know of 5 couples not coming to church today for various reasons but I hope we can still pull in the ones we need.
After church I am off to my parents to celebrate my father’s 75th birthday. Actually it was last week but got transferred to this Sunday because of mother’s day. So I will roll on out to the coast and stay overnight. I will return to the office tomorrow after noon but then head out again for the annual fire chaplains retreat/conference.

This year we have, what I hope is, a good speaker. Rev. Kate Braestrup will be speaking with out group this year. She is chaplain to the Maine State Warden Service. She lost her husband, a Maine State Trooper, a few years back and went to seminary and now serves as chaplain. Her book is listen over on the right hand side of this blog. I hope to review it soon, after I finish reading it that is.

So that lasts until Wednesday then Wednesday night I begin a series of lectures here in the church on American Orthodox History. So busy days here but I am looking forward to all of it. Some where in there need to get out to the lake and check on things there and maybe rest a bit. I do some of my best writing out there and it is a good quiet place to pray and just hang out.

That is all for now.

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